Traveling with a 6-Month-Old Baby on an Intercontinental Flight: Our experience

I remember some months ago, in a Facebook group, this new mum asked for advice on traveling with a 6-month-old baby on an intercontinental flight: Our experience. Of course, there were a lot of comments, including the Don´t do it! I specifically remember one comment from this lady who claimed to be a flight attendant and had been on hundreds …

Using the Park4Night app to find the best spots to park your van 

It´s the number one question when on a van trip: where to sleep for the night? How to find a safe place, a fun place, a beautiful place, a convenient place, etc.
There are many ways to do so, but why make it complicated, when it can be SO easy! Let me introduce you to something really fancy: the Internet.
Yes, there is an app for everything nowadays, so of course there is one totally catered to the many, many van travelers around the world.