Dear all, A month after having finished my solo cycling trip that took me from la Paz (Bolivia), through San Pedro de Atacama (Chile) to Salta (Argentina) with some final days in Paraguay, I now made a video summary. Enjoy
So, as I had mentioned before, my computer pretty much broke down somewhere half way, which makes that only now can I post the updates from some weeks ago, but just imagine it is around the first week of April now And, I’m back with updates on the second week of cycling and one of the most amazing, beautiful …
Hey all, The first week has passed, the most of the (extreme) nerves are over and the first kilometres are down. This is the first time in writing a blog on my phone so sorry for any typos! So, 8 days ago I flew with Avianca to La Paz, and with a little bit of hassle to check in my …