San Antonio is the boho and coolest neighborhood of the city of Cali. Here are some ideas on what to do.
General information on traveling to Cuba, what to save on, and what not to save on.
Traveling alone as a woman, with these tips you can also do it, stay safe and enjoy it!
I remember back in University, one of my teachers told me that her favorite part of Spain was the north. I was rather surprised: not Barcelona? Not the warm and exotic south? But the rainy and chilly north? Didn´t we already have enough of that in the Netherlands? Is there really a paradise to go surfing in Northern Spain? But …
So, I am a huge fan of bucket lists. I make one every month, every 1st of January and also long-term ones. I am not saying that everything I have on there needs to happen for real, but I feel like they give me some sense of direction and have definitely come in handy when making decisions. One of these …
The Carretera de la Cabra (the Goat´s Road, in English) is one of my favorite climbs to cycle at the Costa Tropical. And I´m not alone in that, the Vuelta a España actually came by this route as they were going up to Granada last year (2018). As it is the old road from the coast to Granada city, it …
The best places in Motril and Salobreña for food and drinks: Costa Tropical
Chasing waterfalls in Northern and Central Bali: off the beaten track hikes
A review of two international travel and health insurances.
Working remotely from Canggu, Bali, reviewing the best places to work from.