As you probably already saw from all my posts, I´m all about remote working and digital nomad, and traveling. Basically, for some sectors I don´t believe that the traditional office setup is the answer (yes, I am saying some sectors, because of course this does not (yet) apply to all sectors), and more flexible (either in location, working hours or …
Basically, everyone I told that I was thinking of trying out one-month full-time vanlife with my cats officially declared me ´crazy cat lady´. And sure, I was having some serious doubts myself as well but figured I´d give it a try. I read a bunch of blogs to prepare myself for what was to come, but most I could find …
Skills that remote companies like seeing and how to mention them in your cover letter that land your next remote job.
So you want to become a freelancer in Spain? For those going autónomo, here a little list with steps and explanations 🙂
A summary of my remote working experience in Prague, including tips on great places to work from.